THE EARTHKEEPERS foundation and platform

Who We Are

Earthkeepers: A Movement Rooted in Nature’s Wisdom

Co-Creating a World Where We All Belong

Welcome to the Earthkeepers Foundation – a community devoted to realigning our lives with Earth’s natural rhythms. By embracing the sacred flow of life, we transcend separation and unite with the symphony of all existence. Each of us holds a unique role, working in harmony with nature to cultivate balance, unity, and deep connection to all life.

“Let’s elevate our world from its primal state to its most sublime nature. This is the essence of our being here at Earthkeepers.”

Harmonising with Nature’s Symphony

Reconnect | Embody | Empower

For us, community means communion with all living beings – plants, animals, elements, and spirits, this is true wholeness. When we attune to nature’s rhythms, we reconnect with the wisdom that flows through all existence. Each of us contributes a unique note to this grand symphony, aligning our personal rhythm with the natural world to foster collective harmony.

“In nature’s symphony, every living being has a note to play. When we attune to the Earth’s rhythms, we rediscover our true essence and align with the harmony of life itself.”

 Who We Welcome

Earthkeepers is for those yearning to step out of isolation and into a community that honours the interconnectedness of all life. By discovering and resonating with your “Golden Frequency,” you become part of a collective that amplifies Earth’s grand symphony, in communion with the natural world and spirit. 

What we offer

Through tailored experiences – including embodiment practices, voice alchemy, rituals, and ceremonies – we help you rediscover your unique “Golden Frequency” and align with Earth’s rhythms.


Our Philosophy

When we live in tune with nature and surrender to her flow, we awaken our true innate gifts. As Earthkeepers, we are in constant communion with life, embodying our natural role as stewards of the Earth’s sacred symphony.


Standing in Solidarity

To Those Facing War and Struggle

In times of conflict and hardship, know that you are not alone. As Earthkeepers, we are a global family committed to creating a world of love, peace, and unity. Our community stands with you, sending strength and love to those caught in conflict. Though distance may separate us, we are united in spirit, holding you in our hearts as we work toward a harmonious world.

“By living in tune with the Earth, by embodying the divine instrument we are, we not only heal ourselves, but also naturally contribute to the healing of the planet.”

A Global Dutch Foundation

KVK-nummer: 69649189

Founded in 2016 in the Netherlands, Earthkeepers is inspired by a global calling to build communities that thrive in harmony with nature. While rooted in Dutch heritage, we invite individuals from around the world to join us in co-creating a more balanced, sustainable future.

Meet the founders

Maurice Spees

Maurice Spees

Lead Facilitator | Visionary Founder

Maurice Spees:
Founder | Voice Alchemist and Visual Artist

Maurice’s love for nature, visual art, and voice alchemy is the driving force behind Earthkeepers. His work guides you through profound personal transformation, helping you embody your role in the symphony of nature.

Discover the origin of Earthkeepers

Visit Maurice’s artist site:

Kasia Patzelt:
Embodiment & Breathwork Coach

Kasia specialises in bodywork, breathwork, and meditation, guiding individuals through emotional healing and stress release. Her work aligns with the Earthkeepers mission of helping people find balance and connect with the Earth’s rhythms.

Visit Kasia’s site:

Kasia Patzelt

Kasia Patzelt

Embodiment Coach & Breathwork facilitator

Key Objectives


- Reignite Sacred Bonds:

Reconnect with the divine intelligence of the Earth, both personally and as a community.

- Personal Transformation:

Discover your unique "Golden Frequency" and align with the sacred rhythms of nature.

- Global Harmony:

Build a global community dedicated to living in harmony with the Earth.

- Earth-Intelligent Learning:

Provide resources and knowledge that foster sustainable and mindful living.


Our Origins: A Divine Encounter

Since childhood, Maurice Spees has shared a deep connection with the natural world, guided by the hawk, his spirit animal. These noble birds of prey have long served as his protectors and messengers, revealing profound insights throughout his life.

On New Year’s Eve 2016, an extraordinary moment in Menorca marked the genesis of Earthkeepers Foundation. Four eagles made a direct path toward Maurice’s car, with one coming close to entering through the window. This powerful sign sparked the inspiration for Earthkeepers. Later that night, in meditation, Maurice received the name “Earthkeepers” and envisioned a symbol – a logo that would come to represent our movement.

This divine calling to guardianship forms the foundation of our organisation. Earthkeepers was born from synchronicity, deep connection, and a commitment to serve the Earth. This story of origin calls each of us to unite in stewardship, responding to the Earth’s call and harmonizing our lives with its natural rhythms.